hey, i'm bre

hey, i'm bre

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I'm AWESOME at keepin' up on this!! *rolls eyes*

ALRIGHT! Well Obviously I'm not very good at keeping up on this blog. I'll work on that! Well- update time.
Basically to keep it short, sweet, and to the point- I hate apartment shopping!! We've had a few fall through since when my roomate and I went down to SLC to find a place. I hate gettin' mind set and then having it RIPPED out from under me! Blah!! SO!... I craigslist-ed it (best invention ever). And I got about 25 different apartments to look at. My cousin that is down there is going to help me this saturday on picking one! I'm driving three hours for this. Which- on a budget like mine- means a lot! >.< So I better find something! My roomate can't come with me though. She's flying out to cali that day. So this is all me! So... WISH ME LUCK!!!
BUT... on the bright side. I'm officially a student in that school. FINALLY.=] Now All I need is for everything else to fall into place!
AAAAND... I got a sofa and love seat this last weekend. Kinda ugly... and white. But we attacked it with a shampoo-er. And I'm going to make seat covers for it here soon anyways. It'll look super cute ;]
Not only a sofa. But a dining room table. $25 at a yard sale. It was white wood with a white tile top. so kinda ugly. But i fixed it up and it looks a lot better now! And I need to make some seat covers to match it on my ugly chairs from the 70's! But those were $5 for all of them... soo.... can't complain!!!
I'll get some pictures posted next time ;] It's late.
Peace out, cub scout!